Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Running Questions.

Posted: June 20, 2012 in Uncategorized

I feel that this one needs a bit of an introduction. I’ve been trying to write about this for some time but never found the words. Inspiration hit last night and I’ve finally been able to put something on paper. I’ll never get the answers to these questions.

WARNING: This is a graphic poem about a very upsetting subject. Please do not read it if you think it will upset you.


Running Questions


How did it feel when he threw it at you?

When it hit you and gripped you and soaked you right through?


Did the smell make you choke? Did it burn before lit?

Did you scream, did you gag, did you cough, did you spit?


Were you trying to get out? Were you scratching and biting?

Or was it the norm, just another day fighting?


Did your eyes see the lighter? His eyes catch your glance?

Did you realise too late that you hadn’t a chance?


Was it all in slow motion or desperately quick?

Did you see first or feel first the flames start to lick?


Did you turn, did you run, did you fall, did you crawl?

Was agony waiting outside in the hall?


Could you scream or just gasp as your mouth sucked in heat?

Could you smell your own flesh as girl turned to meat?


How did it feel when your neighbours ignored?

When they all turned away though you begged and implored?


Your blood like a curse spread on doors where you’d knocked.

Closed eyes and closed ears they remained firmly locked.


You clawed and you dragged yourself out of the door,

Where, a broken burnt shell, you curled foetal once more.


Did you know you were gone before closing your eyes?

Did you lean back and look last at smoky grey skies?


He snuffed out your flame when he set you alight.

Left you dying in pain all alone in the night.


These questions keep running, unquenched and internal.

And they’ll run on unanswered, your silence eternal.




Thank you for reading. Please feel free to leave a comment if you wish. I always reply to comments when I can and I would welcome all opinions.

The real CID.

Posted: May 22, 2012 in Uncategorized

If YOU become a victim of crime who do you expect to investigate? Who is responsible for identifying and arresting the criminals so that they may be brought to court and, hopefully, to justice?  On television we are used to seeing a dedicated team of detectives working day and night on ONE JOB. In reality many detectives are SINGULARLY responsible for resolving over 20 investigations, with limited time and resources for each one.

With the current cuts threatening our jobs and safety we have heard a lot about the everyday risks and dangerous situations that uniformed police officers deal with on a daily basis. Too right, because we put ourselves out there every shift. We carry on in the face of adversity, even though we feel mostly unappreciated by society.  Upon catching the bad guys (yes… this happens VERY often, contrary to what you are led to believe by SOME) we hand them over to the men in suits and trust that our initial hard work will be continued in interview and beyond. When we say ‘See you in court,’ we are actually hoping that we will.

How will the cuts in budget and numbers of police officers affect the investigation of crime? CID are feeling the pinch, leaving them with more jobs to investigate and less detectives to deal.

‘Well, so what?’ I hear you say. We’re all dealing with the economic downturn, why should the everyday public care about cuts in policing? I’ll tell you why.

What happens if the detective responsible for investigating YOUR case already has over 20 crimes to deal with? What happens if they are so overworked that they can’t give each job the time and attention it deserves, prioritising instead the ‘larger’ jobs and putting yours to the bottom of the pile? I’ve been talking to a good friend and respected colleague of mine to try to bring you a picture of ‘the real CID’. Under Winsor’s thumb and being slowly strangled by increased budget cuts and decreased levels of morale. Let’s call him DC Busy.

DC Busy works for a London borough. Here’s what he currently has on his books. Twenty crimes in total, all of which he is solely responsible for investigating:

6 x possession with intent to supply (Drug Dealing)

1 x Production of Class A (making drugs)

4 x fraud offences (including one to a value of over £100,000!)

1 x Attempted murder (multiple stab wounds to female victim – not domestic)

3 x Grievous Bodily Harm

1 x possession firearm

1 x computer misuse

2 x drugs into prison (visitor or staff smuggling drugs into prison)

1 x sexual assault.

Ok, you may think, so 20 is not that many! Maybe you’re right…..but now have a look at what he has to do for EACH CRIME.


Contact victims

Update victims

Obtain written statements (average 2 – 3 hours)


Canvass area for witnesses, door to door, etc.

Locate witnesses

Statements from witnesses


Obtain suspect descriptions

Identify suspects

Locate suspects

Research suspects (multiple intelligence checks)

If suspect can’t be found circulate him/her as wanted (more forms to fill in)

Arrest suspects (arrange a full arrest team which varies in size depending on risk the suspect poses)

Interview suspects (including contacting and arranging solicitors, appropriate adults, interpreters, etc)

Prosecute suspects (see below)

Write up full case files for court

Obtain CPS advice

Present all the evidence

Arrange identification procedures

Arrange search of suspects address if necessary (then seize, package and exhibit any further evidence found)

Bail or remand suspects


Visit scene

Seize evidence

Package all evidence

Send evidence to forensic labs (fill out paperwork for each exhibit)


Locate all possible sources of CCTV near scene (visit on foot)

Attempt to contact owners of possible CCTV evidence

Arrange to visit, view and seize any CCTV evidence.

View ALL CCTV (for a large scene this could be hours and hours of footage)

Obtain stills of any suspects and circulate them for identification.

I will stop there. I think you have the picture. There’s probably much that I have missed and the time that it takes to actually carry out each of these actions simply cannot be appreciated by reading them alone.

Now, lets take a look at one of the victim’s in these cases. What if YOU were the lady who was brutally attacked and stabbed over 15 times with such force that the handle of the knife broke off? I think you would expect that your case was investigated fully by a dedicated DC using all resources that the Metropolitan Police Service has to offer, so you should. Now, I know for a FACT that DC Busy is a hard-working and diligent officer who cares greatly about his victims. He found it difficult to arrange time to visit the victim on the day after her attack because the Senior Management Team wanted him to arrest the suspect wanted for Computer Misuse. There are certain ‘targets’ to meet once a suspect has been identified and a quick arrest means a good result for the Borough. So, back to you, sitting in hospital after suffering a horrific attack. How do you feel when no one turns up to explain to you what is happening? Luckily for you, DC Busy arranged to visit you ON HIS WAY HOME, unpaid and in his own time, so that you could be updated and reassured that the police were doing the best they could to bring your assailant to justice. Not every DC would do this. They shouldn’t have to.

The simple fact of the matter is, if there were more DC’s available that day then both jobs could have been achieved without DC Busy having to work unpaid. The current cuts will reduce the number of DC’s even further meaning that more victims WILL be left feeling like the police just don’t care. It is unavoidable.  On speaking to DC Busy I can clearly see that it’s not just uniformed police who are feeling overworked, under appreciated and trapped in a job that seems to be constantly changing for the worst. Most police officers want to do right by the public, they want to bring criminals to justice and they want to go home to their families every night without the overwhelming burden of disappointed victims on their shoulders. We are all working towards a common goal. A goal which is being dragged off into the distance by Winsor whilst May throws insults at us from the sidelines.

I hope that you NEVER become a victim of crime. If you do, I hope that enough people will have stood up against the police cuts to affect a change and that the DC Busy’s out there can again feel proud to be detectives.

Thank you for reading.

If you have enjoyed reading this post please leave a comment. It is the only feedback us bloggers get! Please share this on your social networking links and help raise awareness against police cuts.

Please consider signing this on-line petition to reject Winsor Pt2 it really only takes seconds!

If you are on Twitter you can help stand up against the police cuts by adding #antiwinsornetwork to your tweets and profile. You can also search for it and get involved in the many hundreds of debates currently in progress. If you are concerned about police cuts you can help by raising the issue with your local MP. Together we are stronger.


To the public. Stand with us.

A humble plod, I write this rhyme to tell you of our plight,

They’re trying to change the job we love, we live it day and night.

I’m asking for allegiance, asking you to lend a hand.

I’m hoping please that what I say will make you take a stand.

I’ve been spat at, kicked, abused and punched, called a pig and more.

But it’s worth it when I save a life by upholding the law.

To remind you what we daily do I hope I will achieve.

Will you give me a few moments of your time before you leave?

DC Oake took terror off the street, a hero dressed in blue.

Stabbed eight times and still he fought, he gave his life for you.

Robbery in Bradford, didn’t know they had a gun.

Sharon lost her life that day, five children lost a mum.

PC Henry took the call, found a man wielding a knife.

To save lives and do his duty he was forced to give his life.

More fallen heroes there will be if Winsor gets his way,

With less coppers on the street how can we keep terror at bay?

When they try to strike again who’ll be there to bring them down?

We’re the ones that run towards suspicious bags left on the ground.

When a Pitbull struck in Stratford, bred to fight and in a rage,

Five officers put their lives at risk to form a human cage.

Who made a human line when the petrol bombs were thrown?

We stood for you but now it seems we’re standing on our own.

We’re sons, daughters, wives, husbands, fathers, friends and mothers,

We’ve got bills to pay and lives to live, just like every other.

If you’ve ever thought ‘Thank God they’re here’ those boys and girls in blue,

Then STAND WITH US, make your voice heard. It’s the only thing to do.



Thank you for reading.

If you’d like to help out British bobbies and prevent cuts on crime fighting then here’s how you can:

1) If you are on twitter then please show your support by adding #antiwinsornetwork to your profile and tweets.

2) Search #antiwinsornetwork on twitter and see the outrage for yourself.

2) Sign the E-Petitions on the on-line Petitions site (this takes less than two minutes!)

Right to strike

Reject Winsor Part 2

Protect Police Pension

3) Write to your MP and voice your concerns!

Please stand with us and show your support, even if you can do only one of the above it will make a difference.

Thank you.

Nothing Else To Do.

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

Nothing Else To Do


You groan as you see me clock your seatbelt as you pass,

You may hear that groan again as your head smacks off the glass.


You look at me and ask ‘Have you nothing else to do?’

Well yes but I’m now dealing with another prick like you.


It’s my job to interfere when I think that you might die,

If I didn’t stop and tell you, could I look me in the eye?


If you’d seen what I have seen then you’d belt up every time,

I’ve scrubbed and scrubbed can’t seem to shift the blood from every crime.


I’ve seen your future in the bloody mess of those who’ve gone before.

I’ve picked up severed limbs, hosed bits of brain from off the floor.


I’ve held a hand and reassured while crying eyes closed their last time,

I’ve sat and stared as zips closed over young men in their prime.


It is me who’ll have to listen as your widow cries and screams,

It is me who’ll tell your kids they’ll see you only in their dreams.


Who’ll be the one to hold them tight when they wake up in the night?

It won’t be you, you won’t be there, because you clearly didn’t care

Enough to strap yourself in tight.


If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you. 


Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized


Three weeks gone, we got the call.
Hilda wafting down the hall.
Three weeks of central heating.

Smell comes through the letter box.
I go in first, my job to find her,
I know she’s here, but where?

Slow motion walk through silent rooms,
Each one empty in the gloom,
Til my reluctant boots reach the last.

In the lounge, an eyeless gaze.
Mouth gapes open through the haze.
Hilda’s dead but she’s still moving.

Waxy skin and blue tipped hands,
On the floor took your last breath.
There’s no dignity in death.

80 years to die alone.
How would you choose the end?
A coughing copper your last friend?

‘Hilda’s dead’ and now they’re crying.
Didn’t care to knock and see,
What a price a cup of tea.


If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you.

Angel Baby

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

Angel Baby



Perfectly formed,

Blue eye’s to match your skin.

Tiny hands, un-held.


I stand over you,

I’m here to keep you safe.

Too late.


Brand new and already gone.

Born sleeping is what they say.

But you don’t look asleep.


No tears, my face was straight.

Strapped in behind my boots and laces.

Your form printed inside my eyelids forever.




If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you.

Run Copper, Run.

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

This is just a bit of fun but think it’s particularly relevant to the current talks about extending our service over 30 years and drastically reducing our pensions. Enjoy. 

Run Copper, Run.

Run copper, run copper, run, run, run.
Stop n’ search and he pulled out a gun.

Smile copper, smile copper, smile, smile, smile.
This long shift will be over in a while. 

Stand copper, stand copper, stand, stand, stand.
Stand in the way when things get out of hand.

Fight copper, fight copper, fight, fight, fight.
They’ll kill you if they can so use your might.

Give copper, give copper, give, give, give.
Give yourself so someone else can live. 

Weep copper, weep copper, weep, weep, weep.
The jobs you can’t forget mean you can’t sleep.

Serve copper, serve copper, serve, serve, serve.
And in the end get less than you deserve. 

If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you.


Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized


Interview room,

Half past three,

‘Would you like a cup of tea?’


I’ll shake your hand,

I’ll smile at you.

I understand, of course I do.


‘How old was she?’



Write it down and smile some more.


Let him talk,

Get it all down,

All the better for the Crown.


Thanks very much,

I think that’s all,

My friend will take you down the hall.


Look in my eyes

And listen good,

I would kill you if I could.




If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you.

Crime Scene

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

Crime Scene



‘It’s alright, it’s slag on slag’

But he was just 14.

Another victim of the knife.


Guard the scene, stand by the tent.

Think of where a young life went.

Smeared blood and vultures flashing.


Discarded gloves, hopes and dreams.

Can’t stop hearing his mum’s screams.

In my head his name tattooed.


Later on at home, I’ll cry.

Shadow of small ribs on canvass.

Someone turn off the camera in my head.




If you have enjoyed one of my entries, if it’s made you think, smile or even cry then please leave a comment. It’s the only feedback I get and I’d love to know what you think. If you think your friends or colleagues would enjoy this entry please share it. Thank you.